Dimas Alfiansyah

“A Self-proclaimed Learner”

About me

I have a keen interest in programming languages for web development. I enjoy engaging in open discussions and making assumptions about various topics. I find great value in learning new things, particularly those that have practical applications in everyday life. Additionally, I find technology fascinating, particularly in terms of learning how to use devices effectively, troubleshooting issues, and discovering efficient methods to maximize productivity. I am always open to two-way discussions where we can exchange ideas and learn from each other.

Profile picture



HRRD - Back End Developer Intern

Designed and implemented a robust Express.js and MySQL API for digitizing overtime request letters. Applied clean architecture and dependency injection for enhanced code maintainability and scalability. Collaborated with Android developers to seamles...

Kompas Gramedia logo

Kompas Gramedia

Group of Retail and Publishing

On-Site / WFO

Information Technology Support Officer & ERP Administrator (Odoo)

Optimized operational efficiency through strategic data management. Tasks involved adjusting prices, modifying product names, and updating Bill of Materials. Generated comprehensive reports by extracting and analyzing data from the ERP system. Collab...

Dominica Cipta Boga logo

Dominica Cipta Boga

System Information & Technology


Bootcamp / MSIB Studi Independen

Distinction Graduate Cloud Computing Student

Acquired expertise in cloud computing fundamentals, encompassing application deployment, operational monitoring, and enterprise solution management. Completed a comprehensive learning path, including foundational knowledge in web and JavaScript basic...


Capstone Project

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Mudra - a Sign Language Educational Mobile App

Mudra is Sign Language Application with 3 styles languages such as Bisindo (Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia), Sibi (Sistem Bahasa Isyarat) and ASL (American ...

In assoc. with:


Personal Project

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OpenMusic EN

OpenMusic is an API built using Express.js and MongoDB, originally inspired by the Dicoding: Belajar Fundamental Aplikasi Back-End course, which used ...

In assoc. with:

Dicoding Indonesia logo

Dicoding Indonesia

Back-End and Front-End Learning Path


Internship Project

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Benefit Information System Application (BISA)

BISA is a digitalization initiative aimed at streamlining the overtime process. The heart of BISA lies in its Android application, seamlessly communic...

In assoc. with:

Kompas Gramedia logo

Kompas Gramedia

Group of Retail and Publishing


Learning / Personal Projects

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Check out my Github!

My GitHub repository showcases a collection of my learning and personal projects. It serves as a portfolio of my coding journey, where you can explore...

In assoc. with:

alfi-dim logo





Back-End / Dicoding

Menjadi Back-End Developer Expert

Kelas ini ditujukan untuk Back-End Developer yang ingin mengetahui best practice dalam mengembangkan RESTful API menggunakan NodeJS, dengan mengacu pada standar industri yang divalidasi AWS. Di akhir kelas ini, siswa mampu membuat aplikasi back-end b...

Dicoding Indonesia logo

Dicoding Indonesia

Back-End Learning Path

Front-End / Dicoding

Menjadi Front-End Web Developer Expert

Kelas ini ditujukan untuk seorang Front-End Web Developer yang ingin mengembangkan website yang optimal, mudah digunakan, serta canggih ketika diakses oleh seluruh perangkat terutama smartphone. Di akhir kelas, siswa dapat membuat aplikasi front-end ...

Dicoding Indonesia logo

Dicoding Indonesia

Front-End Learning Path

Cloud Computing / Dicoding

Menjadi Google Cloud Engineer

Kelas ditujukan bagi siswa yang ingin belajar cloud computing, khususnya Google Cloud, dengan mengacu pada standar industri. Di akhir kelas, siswa mampu menguasai layanan-layanan Google Cloud dan menggunakannya untuk menciptakan solusi cloud.

Dicoding Indonesia logo

Dicoding Indonesia

Google Cloud Professional Learning Path

React JS / Dicoding

Belajar Fundamental Aplikasi Web dengan React

Kelas ini ditujukan untuk seorang yang ingin mendalami fundamental Front-End Web Developer dengan memanfaatkan library React dalam membangun antarmuka pengguna. Di akhir kelas siswa dapat membuat aplikasi web dengan React yang menerapkan validasi pro...

Dicoding Indonesia logo

Dicoding Indonesia

React Developer Learning Path